Speed Up uTorrent Downloads by Allotting More Bandwidth to the Torrent - techtipsguidelines


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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Speed Up uTorrent Downloads by Allotting More Bandwidth to the Torrent

When you are downloading multiple torrents at the same time,
you can allot more bandwidth to the one that you want to finish faster.
Simply right click on the file that you want to download the fastest.
Hover the mouse pointer over the selection “Bandwidth Allocation.”

On the side menu, choose the option, “High”. Now,
go through this process with the other torrents that are downloading,
only set those to “Low” instead of “High”.

Speed Up Downloads by Changing Additional Bandwidth Settings
You can also boost those torrent download speeds by using the bandwidth settings.
In order to do this, choose the selection named “Options”. Click on “Preferences”.
Then find the tab marked “Bandwidth”. Use these parameters:

Set the maximum upload rate to 14.
Set the maximum download rate to 1800.
Set the global maximum number of connections to 2329.
Set the maximum number of connected peers per torrent to 257.
Set the number of upload slots per torrent to 14.
Speed Up Downloads by Connecting Directly to the Seeds
The seeder’s firewall settings can often inhibit the seeding process,
meaning you aren’t getting any download data on some seeders.
It isn’t necessary to reconfigure the seeder’s firewall settings, however.
What you can do instead is to allow your uTorrent client to receive the data directly with no firewalls to interfere.

To set this up, choose the selection marked “Options” and then choose “Preferences”.
Go to the option marked “Connections” and check to see that the option “Enable UPnP Port Mapping” is checked.
This option allows you to avoid the firewall and connect directly with the seeder, speeding up the download process.

Of course, your Internet speed is also a contributing factor to how quickly you are able to download torrent files.
If your speeds are really slow, talk to your Internet provider about a faster service package.

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